weeping rose tree 2Standards, also called tree roses, add elegance and formality to a garden. They provide a vertical accent and making pruning and spraying easier. Weeping standards are especially graceful and can be a focal point in the garden. All standard roses are the result of grafting and require staking and protection from wind and sunscald.

The following five roses can be found as weeping standards through the Internet as well as at nurseries. They are all a shade of pink and bloom continuously during the growing season.

Pierre de Ronsard‘Pierre de Ronsard’ (aka ‘Eden’)
With large, heavy, cupped flowers this shrub rose has an old fashioned charm. It has dark green shiny leaves and very few prickles.

Type: Large Flowered Climber
Origin: Meilland, France, 1987
Parentage: (Danse des Sylphes’ x ‘Handel’) x ‘Kalinka’
Flower Size: 3.9”
Number of Petals: 40-55
Scent: Light, sweet
Hardiness: zone 6
ARS Rating: 8.3

‘The Fairy’
The Fairy 2One of the most popular and widely grown Polyanthas, ‘The Fairy’ has mid pink frilly flowers that fade to almost white. They are produced in clusters of ten to forty beginning late in the season but ending in late autumn. The leaves are pale green, and glossy.

Type: Polyantha
Origin: Bentall, Britain, 1932
Parentage: ‘Paul Crampel’ x ‘Lady Gay’
Flower Size: 1.6”
Number of Petals: Double
Scent: Little or none
Hardiness: zone 6
ARS Rating:8.7

RenaeWith thornless stems, this climbing Floribunda has clear rose pink flowers that fade to white. The flowers are borne in clusters of three to fifteen and cupped-shaped with yellow stamens or a button eye. The dropping leaves are mid-green and shiny.

Type: Climbing Florabunda
Origin: Moore, US, 1954
Parentage: ‘Etoile Luisante’ x unknown
Flower Size: 2.4”
Number of Petals: 43
Scent: Strong, sweet and spicy
Hardiness: zone 6
ARS Rating: 7.5

‘China Doll’
China DollClusters of medium pink flowers are abundant and have petals with white backs and ruffled edges. The leaves are matte and dark green; the stems have few prickles.

Type: Polyantha
Origin: Lammerts, US, 1946
Parentage: ‘Mrs Dudleu Fulton’ x ‘Tom Thumb’
Flower Size: 2”
Number of Petals: 24
Scent: Light and musky
Hardiness: zone 5
ARS Rating: 8.1

‘New Dawn’
New DawnPale pink flowers are born in loose clusters and have cupped to flat-bottom form. Leaves are shiny bronze green at first and then turn dark green. Plants flower on old growth so prune sparingly or not at all.

Type: Large Flowered Climber
Origin: Dreer, US, 1931
Parentage: Sport of ‘Dr. W. Van Fleet’
Flower Size: 3-4”
Number of Petals: Up to 35
Scent :Medium and sweet
Hardiness: zone 5
ARS Rating: 8.4

By Karen