Of the many different kinds of saxifraga that exist the hybrids developed by the German nursery Arends, these are among the best and most readily available. The delicate flowers in shades of white, red, and pink, rise on thin stalks above a mossy carpet of leaves. The plants are evergreen and are especially attractive in a rock garden. The genus name Saxifraga, comes from the Latin words saxum, rock, and frangere, to break, and describes the way the plants grow in the cracks of rocks. A major problem with these little gems, as with other saxifragas,is that they do not tolerate hot, humid summers and will “melt out”, and may permanently disappear.

Type: Herbaceous perennial

Bloom: Five petaled flowers in shades of white, rose, pink, or red are borne on slender stalks in spring.

Foliage: Rosettes form a mossy evergreen carpet

Size: 6-9” H x 12” W

Light: Semi shade

Soil: Lean, moist, well drained.

Hardiness: Zones 5-7

Care: Remove flower stems after flowering.

Pests and Diseases: None of significance

Propagation: Divide after flowering and before summer temperatures arrive.

Companion plants: Thrift (Armeria maritime, pink or white), basket of gold (Aurinia), Lewisia cotyledon.

Outstanding Selection: ‘Triumph’ (dark red flowers, lacy foliage, 6-8”)

Plant profiles pointer

By Karen