Introduced in 1957, ‘Black Beauty’ was the first Orienpet hybrid, and continues to be popular today. Orienpet lilies are the result of interspecific crosses between Oriental Hybrid and Chinese Trumpet lilies. They have the tall stature of Chinese Trumpet lilies and the unique beauty of the Oriental hybrids. The flowers are large, waxy, and slightly recurved with a slightly fruity fragrance. The black red colored petals are edged with white and surround a throat of green and white. A single stem can bear 20 to 50 buds so that there is a long bloom time. Plants multiply quickly and can form large clumps in a few years. Because the stems may be 5’ tall, they should be staked.

Type: Bulb

Bloom: Twenty to fifty large, slightly fragrant flowers are produced on tall stems in mid to late August; petals are black-red edged with a white margin and recurved; throat is green and white.

Foliage: Glossy, lanceolate leaves are produced along the flowering stem.

Size: 3-5’ H x 1’ W

Light: Full sun

Soil: Humus rich, moist, well-drained

Fertilizer: Apply 10-10-10 or similar fertilizer in early spring

Hardiness: Zones 3-8

Care: Plant bulbs 6: deep, 12″ apart in spring or fall; stake plants to support flowers durng bloom especially those in windy sites.

Pests and Diseases: Susceptible to basal rot, Botrytis

Propagation: Division of offsets

Companion plants: Garden phlox, salvia.

Plant profiles pointer

By Karen