cupressus_cashmerianKashmir cypress is an evergreen coniferous tree native to Bhutan and adjacent areas in India. Considered one of the most beautiful of all coniferous trees, it is often associated with Buddhist places of worship. In the wild it may grow up to one hundred fifty feet tall but is more likely to be between forty and sixty in cultivation. Concial when young, the tree becomes more weeping as it matures. The aromatic blue-green foliage is carried in flat pendulous sprays several feet long. The bark is fibrous and red-brown and the cones are ½ inch in diameter and coppery brown when mature. Unfortunately the tree is not very hardy and can only be grown in the warm parts of the US;  it also needs to be sheltered from wind.

Type: Evergreen coniferous tree

Outstanding Feature: Graceful form

Form: Conical when young; weeping with age

Growth Rate: Rapid under ideal conditions

Bloom: None

Size: 40-60’ H x 15-20’ W

Light: Full sun

Soil: Moderately fertile, moisture retentive, well-drained; drought resistant when established

Hardiness: Zones 9-10

Care: Low maintenance but finicky

Pests and Diseases: Aphids, honey fungus, phytophthora

Propagation: Seed, semi-ripe cuttings in mid-summer to early autumn

By Karen