campanula_persicifoliaPeachleaf bellflower is an herbaceous perennial native to the mountains of Europe, North Africa, and Asia where it grows in meadows and woodland edges. It forms a evergreen basal rosette of leathery leaves that are narrow, four to eight inches long, and have rounded teeth. The stem leaves are similar but only two to four inches long. In early summer each stem carries a loose terminal raceme of one to several blue-violet flowers that are broadly bell-shaped, 1.5 inches long, and erect to nodding. Many cultivars are available providing flowers in white and different shades of blue, as well as semidoubles and doubles. Plants multiply by self seeding and by shoots arising from the base. Plants do well in areas where night time temperatures do not go above 70 F. In zone 8 the colors are faded and plants only last one to two years. A fine choice for the border and equally good in the vase.

Type: Herbaceous perennial

Bloom: Blue-violet, broadly bell-shaped flowers 1.5 inches long, erect to nodding in loose terminal racemes of one to several in early summer.

Size: 1-3’ H x 2” W

Light: Sun to light shade

Soil: Fertile, medium moist, well-drained

Hardiness: Zones 3-8

Care: Deadhead; cut back to rosette after flowering; divisde every 3-4 years

Pests and Diseases: Snails, slugs,powdery mildew, aphids

Propagation: Division in spring, basal cuttings in spring or fall, seed

Companion Plants: Shrub roses, Coreopsis, day lily, speedwell, lace-cap hydrangea, ferns

Outstanding Selections:

‘Telham Beauty’ (3-4’ H, pale China blue flowers)
‘Alba; (white flowers)
‘Blue Gardenia’ (double blue flowers)
‘White Pearl’ (double white flowers)

By Karen