You can’t beat perennial ryegrass for quick germination, when you want to start a new lawn or fix holes in an old one. Added to that, it is easy to install, inexpensive, green all year-round and tolerates high traffic. It has bright green leaves that are medium to coarse, and a clumping habit. Due to the fact that its blades are heavily veined and coarse, it can be difficult to mow but varieties have been developed that are finer textured, darker green, more disease resistant, and more adaptable to various conditions. It prefers full sun but adapts to shade and grows best in cool temperatures, tolerating neither extreme heat or cold. It is usually sold in seed mixtures to provide a quick fix for lawn problems and green color to winter lawns of warm weather grasses.

Light: Full sun to part shade

Water: Water frequently as climate demands; not drought tolerant.

Method of Reproduction: Best sown at about 5-10 pounds per 1,000 per thousand square feet.

Mowing: Set rotary mower at 1 ½- 2 ½” during cool season, 3-4” during the warm season.

Fertilizing: Fertilize with high nitrogen fertilizer every four to six weeks during the growing season.

Pests and Diseases: Rust, sod webworm

Outstanding Selection: Pennington.

Plant profiles pointer

By Karen