Lola Plants a GardenAnna McQuinn’s book, Lola Plants a Garden, tells a familiar story in a unique way. Written for children ages two to five in preschool to kindergarden, the story is about an adorable little girl goes through the process of planting a garden from the point of inspiration to sharing it with friends. The illustrations depict the story line and much more.

Lola is inspired to plant a garden when her mother reads her a book of garden poems. Lola and her mommy research the topic and Lola picks out her favorite flowers from the books. They buy the seeds, plant them and as they wait for them to grow Lola makes her own flower book with her favorite poem included. Lola also makes a string of bells and a little doll for the garden and when the plants come up Lola pulls weeds and she and her daddy hang the bells in the garden. When Lola invites friends over to see the garden she and her mommy make cupcakes and Lola dresses up in a flowery top to share the produce from her garden and entertain her friends with a story. All through the book the harmonious color combinations enhance the mood and tone of love and caring. We see Mommy and Lola reading, researching, making a book, and cooking together, daddy and Lola hanging bells together, and Lola sharing with her friends. The joy of experiencing loving relationships and simple pleasures permeate the book. A charming book for introducing young children to gardening.

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By Karen