Nature Craft Techniques 2Getting back to basics is a good way to put new life into a favorite hobby. The Complete Book of Nature Craft Techniques, by Deborah Morgenthal and Chris Rich, provides a refreshing look at the skills needed for exploring the many gifts that nature provides along with projects to inspire you and nurture your creativity. Whether you are a novice or expert the book has valuable incites into nature crafts that will encourage you to try new things and try new avenues of learning.

The book uses an A to Z format, from apples to zinnia, and offers hints, tips, and techniques to accomplish the eighty projects presented. The section on bases, for example, show you how to fashion and/or use bases of straw, vines, twigs, foam, wire, moss, and polystyrene. The entry on baskets includes information on choice and preparation of materials, tools, and weaving variations as well as specific directions for making a garlic basket, mail basket, iris and willow potato basket, random weave platter, and white oak cat-head basket. Other outstanding sections included those on making bows of many kinds, and harvesting and drying methods for over fifty plants. In addition to the more common project involving wreaths, garlands, swags, and potpourri, there were ones for handmade paper, wheat weaving, topiaries, and vinegar. The book includes projects to satisfy a large variety of interests and the skills to bring about their achievement.

To buy The Complete Book of Nature Craft Techniques from Click Here.

By Karen