Rose_Rosarium_Uetersen_Named for the famous rose garden, Uetersen, near Korde’s nursery in Holstein, this shrub type climber produces large clusters of dark pink flowers that have an old-fashioned form, an abundance of petals, and are loosely quartered. The ruffled petals are silvery pink on the underside and fade slightly as they mature. The flowers are produced in profusion in spring and intermittently after that. The large leaves are mid-green and glossy. The plant can be grown as a shrub or trained as a climber.

Type: Large flowered climber

Origin: Kordes, Germany, 1977

Parentage: ‘Karlsrube’ seedling

Flower Size: 4”

Petal Count: 100-142

Scent: Medium, sweet

Flowering: Repeats well

Plant Size: 6.7-12’ H x 3-10’ W

Hardiness: Zones 5-9

ARS Rating: 8.5

By Karen