A tall annual, ‘Gage’s Shadow’ perilla has purple green foliage that is a great backdrop for many plants especially pink flowered ones. It has excellent heat and humidity tolerance and stands up well to weather so looks good all summer. The amount of purple in the leaves is brought out best when the plant is grown in full sun. Unlike other perilla, ‘Gage’s Shadow’ does not reseed. It was named for Gage Bake, the thirteen year old son of the breeder who has cerebral palsy.

Type: Annual

Bloom: N/A (plants grown for foliage)

Foliage: Large purple green leaves

Size: 36-48” H x 36” W

Light: Part shade to shade

Soil: Rich, moist, well-drained

Fertilizer: Apply a slow-release balanced fertilizer once a month

Care: Pinch leaves at leaf joints to encourage compact growth

Pests and Diseases: None of significance

Propagation: Cuttings

Companion plants: Pink annuals of medium height such as impatients; create a tropical look with pink flowered cannas and purple leafed elephant ear; for contrast or texture, use with grasses such as purple fountain grass.

Plant profiles pointer

By Karen