-Gazanias are tender perennials native to South Africa and members of the aster family (Compositae). They hybridize readily and one of the outstanding hybrids is the’ Daybreak’ series that is usually grown as an annual. The evergreen plants have glossy dark green leaves six inches long and with white undersides. The three-inch wide flowers appear singly on short stems in the spring and continue throughout the summer if the plants are deadheaded. They come in bright colors including white, yellow, orange, pink, and bronze and are often zoned in contrasting color. Excellent choice for patio containers.

Type: Tender perennial usually grown as an annual

Bloom: Three inch flowers from spring to summer in bright colors inclding white, yellow, orange, pink, and bronze, oftern zoned in contrasting color

Size: 6-18” H x 6-1 8”W

Light: Full sun

Soil: Lean, dry, well-drained

Hardiness: Zones Usually grown as an annual

Care: Deadhead to prolong bloom

Pests and Diseases: Aphids, mites, thrips, and whiteflie

Propagation: Seed, basal cuttings in autumn

Outstanding Selections:
‘Tiger Stripes” (red and yellow stripes)
‘Red Strip’ (Yellow petal with red stripe)

By Karen