Weeds and Their Control: Field Pennycrest (Thlaspi arvense)
Field pennycrest is an annual weed and member of the mustard family, Crucifereae, that also includes cabbage, broccoli, and sweet alyssum. It is a native of Eurasia but was introduced…
Field pennycrest is an annual weed and member of the mustard family, Crucifereae, that also includes cabbage, broccoli, and sweet alyssum. It is a native of Eurasia but was introduced…
Also known as redshank, and Jesusplant, this annual weed is a member of the buckwhat family, Polygonaceae, that also includes sorrel, dock, and rhubarb. It is native to Eurasia from…
Also called clotbur, donkey bur, heartleaf, and woolgarie bur, this weedy annual is a member of the aster family, Asteraceae, that also includes sunflower, yarrow, and lettuce. It’s native range…
Also known as spotted sandmat, milk-purslane, and prostrate spurge, this summer annual weed is native to North America where it is found in all 48 contiguous states growing in gardens,…
Also known as mercuryweed, threeseeded mercury, and wax balls, this summer annual is a member of the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae, that also includes poinsettia , croton, and caster oil plant.…
Also known as puke weed, this herbaceous annual or biennial is native to eastern North America from southeastern Canada, south to Alabama and west to Kansas, where it grows in…
Also called clotbur, donkey bur, heartleaf, and woolgarie bur, this summer annual is a member of the aster family, Asteraceae, that also includes sunflower, yarrow, and lettuce. It’s native range…
Also known as prickly burweed and spiny cocklebur, bathhurst burr is an annual and a member of the aster family, Asteraceae, that also includes sunflower, yarrow, and lettuce. It is…
Also known as horse thistle, this annual plant is native to the semi-desert areas of the Mediterranean region and the Middle East. It is a member of the aster family,…
Also called goosefoot, fat-hen and pigweed, this weedy annual is not much to look at but is grown extensively in India as a food. The plants rapidly grow into a…