Plant Profile: Persian Buttercup (Ranunculus asiaticus)
Persian buttercups, unlike their country cousins, have gorgeous, large, full flowers consisting of many crepe paper like petals. They are excellent cut flowers or container plants.
Persian buttercups, unlike their country cousins, have gorgeous, large, full flowers consisting of many crepe paper like petals. They are excellent cut flowers or container plants.
Plant profile of Siberian iris (Iris Sibirica)
Plant profile of Lenten rose (Helleborus orientalis)
Plant profile of Foamflower (Tiarella cordifolia)
Plant profile for Dicentra eximia, Fringed bleeding heart.
Plant profile
Plant profile of Lobularia maritime (sweet alyssum)
Nothing is more welcome in winter or early spring then when the first plant blooms. Witch hazel is usually that plant with its shaggy looking red or yellow fragrant blooms…
Venus Flytraps are excellent plants for a bog garden but can be grown indoors in a terrarium.
The Pitcher plant is a great favorite for bog gardens and is sure to pique the interest of every garden visitor. Insects are attracted to the funnel shaped leaves that…