Aconite hemsleyanumThe slender stems of this climbing monkshood look especially well scrambling over medium sized shrubs. Indigo-violet flowers are produced in pendulous clusters with about seven flowers per cluster. Each flower has five petal-like sepals, to top one of which forms a hood like structure that gives the plant its common name. The petals have been reduced to spur-like nectaries. The leaves are palmately lobed, and mid- green. Plants should be located in their permanent positions as their tuberous roots resent being disturbed. Although plants can be propagated from seeds, the resulting offspring may not have the same shade of flower color so division is preferred. All parts of the plant are poisonous if ingested.

Type: Deciduous climber

Bloom: Clusters of indigo violet flowers from summer into fall

Size: 6.5-10’ H x 1.5’ W

Light: Part shade to full sun

Soil: Humusy, moist, well-drained; must not dry out

Hardiness: Zones 4-7

Care: Mulch in spring to keep soil moist.

Pests and Diseases: None of significance

Propagation: Seed; division in fall.

Plant profiles pointer

By Karen