Rose LamarqueStarting early in the spring and blooming sporadically until late fall, this climber is especially suited to warm climates. The flowers are creamy white fading to pure white on the edges and have a large number of petals with a mass of small ones in the center. They are cupped to flat and are borne singly or in cluster of three to four. The plant is almost thornless and has bright green leaves. Named for General Jean Maximilien Lamarque, a commander in the Napoleonic Wars who was known for his capture of Capri from the British and for his defeat of Royalist forces in the Vendée in 1815.

Type: Climbing Tea-Noisette

Origin: Marechal, France, 1830

Parentage: ‘Blush Noisette’ x ‘Parks Yellow’

Flower Size: 3-4”

Petal Count: 26-40

Scent: Light, tea-like

Flowering: Flushes

Plant Size: 8- 32’ H x6- 12’ W

Hardiness: Zone 8

ARS Rating: 8.7

By Karen