vinca-majorvariegataThis trailing perennial vine is native to the Mediterranean area where it grows in woodlands and hedgerows as well as on river banks. It is a member of the dogbane family (Apocynaceae) that includes oleander but few other plants familiar to American gardeners. The dark green evergreen leaves are smooth, glossy, and l ½” long. The bright blue flowers with five petals appear in spring and are .75-1” across. Several cultivars are available providing white or pink flowers, and variegated foliage. The flexible, arching stems add a graceful line to arrangements or containers and the variegated form is especially valuable in winter when the cream markings of the leaves brighten mixed green arrangements. Perwinkle is a valuable ground cover for shady areas where it quickly fills in to form dense mats.

Cutting: No special needs
Conditioning: Burn or boil stem ends and then soak in deep water over night.
Preserving: NA

Size: 6-8” , spreading

Light: Part shade

Soil: Fertile, moist, well-drained

Hardiness: Zones 4-9

Propagation: Division; terminal cuttings of non-flowering stems.

Care: Low maintenance; watch for blight, canker, dieback, and leaf spot.

By Karen