Also called red Morocco, blooddrops, red chamomile, rose-a-ruby and soldiers-in-the-green, this colorful annual is a member of the buttercup family, Ranuncluaceae, that also includes anemone, hellebore, and nigella.  It is native to Western Asia, Europe, and North Africa where it grows in a variety of soils in full sun to part shade.  Growing from a taproot, it reaches ten to twelve inches high and  has  finely cut leaves and terminate scarlet flowers with darker spots at the base. In spite of its specific name, autumnalis, it blooms throughout the summer.   The common name, Adonis, is derived from the ancient Greek youth whose blood colored the flower that bears his name.


Meaning in the Language of Flowers: Sorrowful remembrances



Oh! never yet hath love successfully with memory strove.   L. E. L.


Of all afflictions taught a lover yet,

‘Tis sure the hardest science to forget!.   Pope


Unequal task! a passion to resign,

For hearts so touched, so pierced, so lost as mine.   Pope


Oh! To forget her! _but how vain each art,

Whilst every virtue lives imprinted on my heart.   Shaw


Too faithful memory-cease-oh cease

How shall I e’er regain my peace!   Id


There’s not a garden walk I tread,

There’s not a flower I see,

But brings to mind some hope that’s fled,

Some joy I’ve lost with thee.   Song


For more information go to:

The Language of Flowers: Introduction



By Karen