Also known as Mexican feathergrass,  finestem needle grass, fineleaved nassella and Argentine needle-grass this perennial grass adds beauty and charm to the garden with its delicate silvery green thread like leaves.  The lightest breeze sets the delicate stems and fine feathery flowers in motion providing almost constant movement in the garden. Other plants may sway, the butterflies, bees and birds may fly around, but nothing moves like this grass.  It grows in a vase-shaped clump and looks like a cascading fountain. Easily grown and low maintenance, it does not even need be cut it back for the winter and looks equally good all season in a container, border, along a walk, or in a xerophytic landscape. The very fine texture of the grass makes a nice contrast with coarser plants like lamb’s ear. It can reseed but is not a problem especially when mulched and it resists disease, insect pests, deer, and drought. 

Type: Perennial ornamental grass

Height: 12-24″

Bloom Color:

Bloom Time:

Light:Full sun

Soil: Fertile, moist, well drained soil but tolerates less as long as soil is well drained.

USDA Hardiness Zones: 7-10

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

By Karen