The blooms of this perennial grass are just plain cute and are bound to attract children of all ages along with their parents. The plant grows 1-2′ tall and has fine, soft, gray-green leaves and summer flowerheads that look like bunny tails. The “tails” can be up to 3″ long, are dense and furry, and invite touching. Unlike most grasses, the flowerheads do not shatter and so moms may like them for fresh and dry arrangements. Also known as Turk’s head grass and hare’s tail grass, it is a native of Mediterranean shores, and although perennial is often grown as an annual in USDA Zones 7 and colder. Use in beds, borders, containers or informal sites for an irresistible look (and touch) .
Type: Perennial grass usually grown as an annual
Bloom Color: Greenish maturing to cream and then tan
Bloom Time: Summer
Size: 1-2′ H x 10-12″ W
Light: Full sun
Soil: Moderately fertile, moist, well-drained; tolerates some drought once established
Hardiness: Zones 8-11 but usually grown as an annual in zones 4-7
Photo Credit Tigerente Wikimedia Commons