Native to northern China, weeping willow is a deciduous tree valued for its beautiful form especially when sited on the edge of a pond or lake where its reflection adds to its overall appearance. It rapidly grows to 50’ or more but has a short life span of only 40-75 years as it is susceptible to breakage and pest and disease problems. Its tendency to lose limbs creates litter problems and its massive root system interferes with grass mowing, buckles sidewalks and driveways, and invades sewers and water pipes. Weeping willow is considered invasive in areas from New Hampshire to Michigan and Iowa, south to North Carolina and Louisiana; California and Utah, south to Arizona and New Mexico. USDA Hardiness zones 6-8

Black Willow (Salix nigra)
Growing up to 50’ tall, this deciduous tree offers attractive foliage, furrowed bark, and a soft billowing form. It is native to woods, floodplains, pond margins, and ditches from New Brunswick to Minnesota south to Florida and Texas. Unfortunately is suffers from the same problems as weeping willow. USDA Hardiness zones 4-9

Baldcypress (Taxodium distichum)
Known for its cypress knees and its ability to thrive in saturated and seasonally inundated soils baldcypress is a deciduous conifer native to the lowlands of Southeastern and Gulf Coastal Plans of the US from Delaware south to Florida, west to central Mississippi, and Texas. It is a slow growing, long lived tree that grows up to 120 feet tall. USDA Hardiness Zones 4-9

By Karen