Picture a shady glen with lots of moisture. Then put a large drift of Japanese primroses into the picture and you have created a beautiful scene. Japanese primroses are not difficult to grow if you can give them the shade and moisture they need. And, make no mistake, these primroses like moisture! Give them the correct conditions and they will reward you with a lush rosette of heavily textured cabbage-green leaves that persist until mid summer, and a stalk of white to red flowers that bloom in tiers along a tall stem. If you have a wet spot in your garden that gets shade in the summer, this is a great little plant.

Type: Herbaceous perennial.

Bloom: Tiers of white to red flowers are borne on solitary stems from April to June.

Foliage: Wrinkled, wavy, oblong leaves with toothed margins grow in a 6: high mound. Leaves usually die back in mid summer.

Size: 24” H x 12” W.

Light: Partial shade-shade; needs protection for sun in summer.

Soil: Rich, humusy, moist, neutral to acidic; dry soil spells disaster.

Hardiness: Zones 3-8.

Care: Dig in plenty of peat moss or another form of acid organic matter when planting.

Pests and Diseases: Slugs and snails can be a problem; root rot may occur in winter if soil is too wet.

Propagation: Division; seed.

Companion plants: Hosta, Japanese painted fern, lady fern, ligularia, Japanese iris.

Outstanding Selections: ‘Postford White’(reliable and hardy).

Plant profiles pointer

By Karen