Also called torch plant, this tender succulent perennial is native to South Africa and Lesotho and is member of the Asphodelaceae plant family that also includes red hot poker, foxtail lily, and daylily.  Plants consist of a rosette of crowded stemless leaves that are 4″ long, lanceolate, and adorned with white spots, white teeth on the margins, and an apical tuft of hairs with a soft white spine.   From late spring to summer 20″ long stems produce  conical branched clusters of tubular flowers that are 1.25″ long and orange red.  Plants readily produce off set and form attractive clumps.  Lace aloe is a good choice for borders, rock gardens, succulent gardens, and containers. The genus name, Aloe,  is derived from the Arabic word alloeh meaning bitter and shiny substance and refers to the latex in the leaves . The specific epithet, aristata, is the Latin word meaning bearing bristles and refers to the tips of the leaves.

Type: Succulent perennial

Bloom: Orange red tubular flowers in conical branched clusters from late spring into summer

Size: 8-18″ H x  8-12″ W

Light: Full sun with some afternoon shade in hot climates

Soil: Average, medium moist, very well-drained; drought tolerant

Hardiness: Zones 9-10

Care: Fertilize occasionally to keep good form.

Pests and Diseases: None of significance but susceptible to mealy bug and scale

Propagation: Seed, off sets

Companion Plants: Aeonium, cactus, stonecrop

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

By Karen