Long, pointed buds  are borne singly or in clusters of up to nine and gradually open to high centered flowers with dark orange pink petals that fade to salmon pink with creamy yellow reverse.  Depending on the climate and time of year the colors may differ and  be various shades of coral, orange, or salmon. The petals are resistant to rain damage and the sepals are long and attractive.    The tall bushy plants are vase-shaped, vigorous, and have large glossy leaves that are crimson they first appear.  Forklore is prized for its fragrance and is a long lasting cut rose, popular exhibition rose,  attractive in the back of a border, and may be used as a small climber in warm climates where it is likely to reach its maximum height.  Considered very disease resistant.

Type: Hybrid Tea

Origin:Kordes, Germany, 1977

Parentage: ‘Duftwolke’ x seedling

Flower Size: 4.5″

Petal Count: 44-50

Scent: Strong, sweet

Flowering: Repeats

Plant Size: 6-8′ x 3-4′

Hardiness: Zones 5-9

ARS Rating: 8.2

By Karen