Convolvulus-Cneorum2Silverbush is a fast growing evergreen shrub native to coastal areas of Spain, Italy, Croatia and Albania. It is a member of the morning glory/bindweed family, Convolvulaceae, that includes many weeds as well water spinach and sweet potato. Plants form dense rounded mounds  1-4′ tall and carry 1-2″ long, lance-shaped leaves covered with fine silky silver-grey hairs. Panicles of funnel shaped white flowers with yellow centers, l.5 to 2 inches wide, open from pink buds from early spring to late fall. Although not hardy in zones colder than 8, silverbush makes a good container plant that can be wintered indoors. The genus name, Convolvulus, comes from the Latin verb, convolvere, meaning to roll together referring to the twining nature of most of the plants in the genus. The specific epithet, cneorum, comes from the Greek word kneōron the name of a shrub resembling the olive, perhaps referring to a similarity of foliage.

Type: Evergreen flowering shrub

Outstanding Feature: Flowers, leaves

Form: Rounded mound

Growth Rate: Rapid

Bloom: Panicles of funnel shaped white flowers white yellow centers, l.5 to 2 inches wide, from early spring to late fall.

Size: 1-4’ H x 2-3’ W

Light: Full sun

Soil: Average, medium moist, well-drained, alkaline

Hardiness: Zones 8-10

Care: Prune hard in late winter  to encourage bushiness when necessary.

Pests and Diseases: None of significance

Propagation: Semihardwood cuttings

By Karen