It is difficult to resist a plant with the name “turtlehead’. I knew it as a child when it grew along a stream near my home forming a great mass and putting out its funny–looking rose colored flowers late in the summer. I never really thought the flowers looked anything like a turtle’s head but they are very unique looking,  more like snapdragon flowers than anything else I can think of. They intrigued me and my friends and are a “must have” in a garden for children. What could be more fun than introducing a young child to a plant with such an intriguing name and interesting looking flower?  Turtleheads do best in a boggy area in full sun where they grow strong stems and do not need to be staked. I think I will have to enlarge the bog garden to accommodate some.

Type: Herbaceous perennial.

Bloom: Rose-colored flowers resembling those of snapdragons bloom in late summer in clusters at the tips of the stems.

Size: 2-4′  H x 1 ½-2 ½’ W.

Light: Full sun in wet sight; part shade in less moisture.

Soil: Fertile, humusy, boggy to moist, acid;  does not tolerate drying out.

Hardiness: Zones 5-8.

Care: Pinch to encourage flowering; stake if grown in shade.

Pests and Diseases: None of significance if grown in moist conditions. Susceptible to mildew if soil dries out.

Propagation: Division in early spring; cuttings in spring or early summer.

Companion plants: Loosestrife, lobelia, Lousiana iris.

Plant profiles pointer

By Karen