The legalization of marijuana by many states for both medical and recreational use has allowed cannabis to enter the mainstream of American life but the path has not always been smooth or easy. In The New Chardonnay, journalist Heather Cabot tells the story of how the illegal weed has become a booming legitimate business. Using original on ground reporting and interviews with outstanding cannabis advocates and entrepreneurs the author explores the ups and downs of the cannabis journey and brings together the diverse factors that ultimately are leading to success.

The book reads more like a novel than the non-fiction that it is. Cabot presents the stories of 15 prominent people including CEOs, a biochemist, politician, chef, former federal narcotics agent, and business partner of rap Icon Snoop Dogg and explains the role of such factors such as racial injustice, health-care concerns, and drive for revenue in bringing about the changes that resulted in the mainstreaming of cannabis. Fascinating, fun read.

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