Plant Profile: Winterberry (Ilex verticillata)
This deciduous holly is native to eastern North America from Newfoundland west to Ontario and Minnesota, south to Alabama where it grows in wetlands such as bogs, swamps, and along…
This deciduous holly is native to eastern North America from Newfoundland west to Ontario and Minnesota, south to Alabama where it grows in wetlands such as bogs, swamps, and along…
Also known as pale dogwood, swamp dogwood, red willow, silky cornel, kinnikinnick, and squawbush this deciduous shrub is native to parts of Canada and eastern and central US, from Vermont…
Also known as Appalachian tea, wild raisin, swamp haw, withe-rod and witherrod viburnum, this deciduous shrub is native to eastern North America from Newfoundland to Manitoba and Minnesota, south to…
Also known as withe-rod, possumhaw, and wild raisin, this deciduous shrub is native to eastern North America where it lives in swamps, bogs, and low woods. It is a member…
This suckering deciduous shrub is native to eastern North America from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, south to Florida and west to Arkansas and Ontario where it occurs along stream…
Also known as redgum, American storax, hazel pine, bilsted, satin-walnut, star-leaved gum, and alligatorwood, this deciduous tree is native to eastern US and Mexico where it grows in a variety…
Also known as dyer’s greenwood, dyer’s whin, waxen woad, and waxen wood, this deciduous shrub is native to meadows and pastures in southern Europe and Turkey. It is a member…
Also known as scarlet maple, swamp maple, soft maple, Carolina red maple, Drummond red maple, and water maple, this deciduous tree is native to eastern and central North America. It…
Also called Southern pine and Georgia pine, this evergreen coniferous tree is native to the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains in southeastern US from Virginia west to Texas and south…
Hoary vervain is a herbaceous perennial and a member of the vervain family, Verbanaceae, that also includes lantanas, s verbenas, and sandpaper vines. It is native to the Midwest, the…