Deutzia slender Deutzia gracilis bushSlender deutzia is a low, broad, deciduous shrub native to Japan and popular in many parts of the world. In spring it produces a lavish display of small white flowers that last a couple of weeks. The flowers are lightly fragrant, bell shaped and borne in three inch long loose clusters. The plant grows to five feet tall and forms a mound with arching branches. It is fine textured with simple, bright to dark green leaves that measure one to three inches long and half inch wide. The shrub is very easy to transplant and grow, tolerating a wide range of growing conditions. It is attractive grouped in shrub borders where its plain appearance when not in bloom can blend in with other shrubs and is also useful as an informal hedge or in an open woodland setting. Plants tend to develop dead wood and become unattractive with age but yearly pruning after flowering will correct the problem. Severe pruning will rejuvenate a plant. Tolerant of drought and pollution.

Type: Deciduous flowering shrub

Deutzia_Slender Deutzia_gracilis_'Nikko'_Flowers WikiOutstanding Feature: Spring flowers

Form: Low, broad, mound with arching branches

Growth Rate: Slow to medium

Bloom: White, lightly fragrant flowers are borne in loose racemes in late spring.

Size: 2-5’ H x 2-5’ W

Light: Full sun to partial shade with best flowering in full sun.

Soil: Prefers fertile, medium-moist, well-drained soil but tolerates less, including clay.

Hardiness: Zones 5-8

Care: Prune after flowering to remove dead wood.

Pests and Diseases: None of significance but plants are susceptible to aphids, leaf spot, and leaf minor.

Propagation: Softwood cuttings in summer

Outstanding Selection: ‘Nikko’ – 2’ H x 5’ W; leaves turn burgundy in fall; useful as a ground cover.

Plant profiles pointer

By Karen