The bright yellow new growth of “Bowles Golden Sedge is the perfect plant to brighten up up a moist shady spot. The leaves are actually yellow with green margins but the overall effect is a striking arching yellow clump about two feet tall and wide. Unfortunately the yellow color will fade by late summer but the plants are so attractive they earn their place in the garden. To look their best, the plants need half day sun and be kept constantly wet and will grow in shallow water. They are especially attractive around a pond or along a stream where their reflection can add to the scene.

 Type: Perennial

Bloom: Small brownish flowers in May through June

Foliage: Semi-evergreen leaves are golden yellow with green margins and 1/8 to 1/2” wide; yellow color fades by the end of summer.

Size: 2’ H x 2′ W

Light: Half day sun

Soil: Fertile, wet, acid

Hardiness: Zones 5-9

Care: Cut down old foliage in spring

Pests and Diseases: None of significance

Propagation: Division in spring

Companion plants: Blue-leafed hostas, heucheras, Siberian iris, spicebush, sweetspire, summersweet.

Plant profiles pointer

By Karen