Daylily Happy-returns-n-tradescantia1Start the season with the sparkling blue of spiderwort while the day lily foliage emerges; then add the lemon yellow of the “Happy Returns’ flower and you have a very pleasing combination that will last for weeks. Even after the spiderwort declines, ‘Happy Returns’ will continue flowering and its foliage will be attractive until frost. Both plants tolerate a wide range of soils and partial shade but do best in well-drained soil and full sun.

Day Lily ‘Happy Returns’
Day lily Happy-Returns‘Happy Returns’ is one of the early blooming day lilies that will repeats periodically throughout the summer if you are lucky. They make quite a show with their abundance of lemon yellow flowers beginning weeks ahead of most other day lilies. With their short stature they are a good complement to taller plants like spiderwort. Like other day lilies, ‘Happy Returns’ is easy to grow and relative free of pests and diseases.
Bloom Time: June and periodically throughout the summer
Size: 12-18” H x 12-18” W
Hardiness: Zones 3-9

Spiderwort (Tradescantia x andersoniana aka T. virginiana)
tradestantia-detail-The flowers are produced in terminal umbels with the flowers in each opening a few at a time. Although each flower last for only one day the umbels carry so many buds that the bloom period extends for a long time. The leaves are linear and get floppy after blooming ceases. When cut back to 8-12” the foliage will quickly reappear often with flower bearing stems for a rebloom. When growing in favorable conditions, spiderwort can reseed and become a nuisance.
Bloom Time: Late spring into early summer
Size: 1-2’ H x 3’ W-9
Hardiness: Zones 4-9

By Karen