This hybrid short-lived perennial is the result of a cross between tall, perennial G. aristata and shorter, annual G. pulchella and is a vigorous, long blooming plant with a short life span. It is is a member of the aster family, Asteraceae, that also includes daisy, yarrow, and lettuce. Plants grows 2-3′ tall and have 4-6″ long lanceolate leaves that are gray-green and coarsely toothed. The flowerheads are 2-3″ in diameter and usually have burgundy disc flowers surrounded by yellow to red or orange ray flowers with varying amount of maroon at their bases. They appear from late spring to fall and are attractive to butterflies. Numerous cultivars are available that vary most significantly in size of plant and in color and fullness of flowerheads. Plants tolerate heat, drought, humidity, salt spray and are good in the vase so are a good choice for borders, cottage garden, cutting garden, butterfly garden and seaside garden. The genus name, Gallaridia, honors Gaillard de Charentonneau, a French magistrate and botany enthusiast. The specific epithet, grandiflora, comes from the Latin words grandis meaning large, and flos, meaning flower, referring to the large size of the flowers.
Type: Short-lived herbaceous perennial
Bloom: Solitary flowerheads usually with burgundy disc flowers surrounded by yellow to red or orange ray flowers with varying amount of maroon at their bases from late spring into fall over a long bloom time
Size: 2-3′ H x 2′ W
Light: Full sun
Soil: Average, medium moist, well-drained; becomes floppy in overly fertile soil
Hardiness: Zones 2-10
Care: Plant may be cut back in mid summer to encourage good rebloom in the fall if necessary.
Pests and Diseases: None of signficance
Propagation:Cuttings; some by seed; some plants may self-seed.
Companion Plants: Coreopsis spp, Asclepias tuberosa, yarrow
Outstanding Selections:
‘Goblin’ (1′ tall, 4″ wide flowerheads with red ray flowers with yellow edges)
‘Baby Cole” (6-8″ tall, 2-3″ wide flowerheads with red banded ray flowers; relatively long lived)
‘Bremen’ (2-3′ tall, coppery-scarlet flowerheads)
‘Burgundy’ (2-3′ tall, wine-red flowerheads)
‘Dazzler’ (red tipped ray flowers with yellow disc flowers)