The cascading clumps of dwarf sweet flag make a graceful addition to a border and are especially useful where moist or wet soil prevails. Dwarf sweet flag likes boggy to wet soil and can be used in aquatic gardens as well as heavy clay soils. If it likes its location it will naturalize without becoming invasive and can be used as a groundcover. It does well in sun or part shade and, in fact, needs some afternoon shade in warm climates. The leaves are yellow and green but appear yellow and stand out brightly against soil or the green leaves of other plants. The greenish-yellow flowers are born in spikes in June and July but are inconspicuous and add little of interest. In spite of its grass-like leaves, dwarf sweet flag is not really a grass at all and is related to Jack-in-the-pulpits.
Type: Herbaceous perennial
Bloom: Inconspicuous,
Foliage: Variegated yellow and green grass-like leaves that appear yellow
Size: 12” H x 24” W
Light: Full sun; afternoon shade in warm climates
Soil: Average, moist to wet
Hardiness: Zones 5-8
Care: Keep well watered during dry spells or the tips of the leaves will turn brown
Pests and Diseases: None of significance
Propagation: Division
Companion plants: Lamb’s ear, sweet woodruff, variegated Japanese silver grass ‘Morning Light’, ‘Bressingham Ruby’ heartleaf bergenia, black mondo grass, Japanese painted fern, butterbur (Petasites hybridus).