One of the first China roses bred in Europe, ‘Cramoisi superieur’ has cherry-red to crimson flowers that are cupped and borne singly or in loose clusters. The petals are paler at the tips, on their backs and in the center where white flecks appear. The bush is twiggy and the light green foliage is scant. The leaves are small shiny and sensitive to black spot but with little effect on flower production. The bush flowers in flushes all season and is rarely without blossoms. It is considered drought and heat tolerant. Flowers are good for the vase. A climbing form, sometimes known as ‘Agrippina’
has slightly larger flowers.
Type: China
Origin: Uncertain; possibly Coquereau, France, 1832
Parentage: Unknown
Flower Size: 2”
Petal Count: Very double
Scent: Light and tea-like
Flowering: In flushes all season
Plant Size: 30”-6’ H x 30”-4’
Hardiness: Zones 7-10
ARS Rating: 8.8