leucothoe RollisonAn attractive U.S. woodland native in the mountains from Virginia to Georgia and Tennessee, Rollison Fetterbush is a good shrub for an ericaceous border, a shade garden, or as a backdrop for floral plantings.  It naturalizes well with rhodendrons, azaleas, Oregon Grape Holly, (Mahonia aquifolium) and Camellia sasanqua.  In spring racemes of small white urn-shaped flowers are borne along the graceful arching branches.  Its shiny leathery leaves are green until fall when they take on a beet-red color.

Type: Evergreen shrub.

Outstanding Feature: white spring flowers; red fall foliage.

Form: Pendulous.

Growth Rate: Moderate to rapid.

Bloom: Racemes of small white urn-shaped flowers in spring.

Size: 6’ H x 6+’ W.

Light: Partial sun.

Soil: Well drained, rich in organic matter.

Fertilizer: Feed with acid fertilizer after bloom.

Hardiness: Zones 5-8.

Care: Keep roots cool with thick mulch; water regularly when top 3” of soil is dry.

Pests and Diseases: None of importance.

Propagation: Spreads by suckers; root cuttings.

Comments: Deer resistant. Native Americans used an infusion made from the plant to treat skin problems.

Plant profiles pointer

By Karen