I am always on the lookout for roses that don’t need to be sprayed so I was instantly drawn to ‘Therese Bugnet’. Disease resistance is only one of this rose’s attribute;  it has many characteristics to recommend it.  It’s clusters of 3-4 red buds open to 2½” bright pink flowers that fade to light pink, and the double flowers have a strong, sweet, rich fragrance and are produced almost continuously if the bush is deadheaded. The petals are arranged so that they present an old-fashioned look to the gracefully arching bush. The quilted leaves are bronzey when they emerge and turn blue-green for the summer. The stems are red, almost completely thornless, and are very attractive in winter. The breeder was the Canadian novelist George Bugnet who worked for 25 years to produce cold hardy roses for Alberta. This one, like many other cold hardy roses, also does well in warm climates as found in southern California.  With an American Rose Society rating of 8.4 it is a great rose if you can handle the large size.

Type: Shrub

Outstanding Feature: Disease resistance, fragrance, thornless, red stems

Form: Mound

Growth Rate: Rapid

Bloom: Pink 2 ½” flowers continuously  from spring to frost if deadheaded.

Size: 6-7’ H x 6-7’ W

Light: Full sun

Soil: Fertile, humusy, moist, well-drained.

Fertilizer: Apply high nitrogen fertilizer in spring and then a balanced fertilizer every 6 weeks until 6 weeks before the first frost.

Hardiness: Zones 4-9

Care: Provide 1-2” water/week

Pests and Diseases: Disease resistant but watch for Japanese beetles, thrips, and mites.

Propagation: Cuttings.

Plant profiles pointer

By Karen