Armeria maritima is associated with the Flight into Egypt by the Holy Family which is described in the Gospel of Matthew (2: 13-15). According to this account, after the birth of Jesus, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and instructed Joseph to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt in order to escape Herod, who considered the infant a threat. The journey was long and hard, and legend says that flowers of sea thrift blossomed at each spot where the Virgin Mary rested along the way. The sea thrift with its pink flowers resemble a seat and so was named Our Lady’s Cushion. The same story is associated with germander speedwell, (Veronica chamaedrys).
Picture Credit: Giotto

Also called sea pink, this herbaceous perennial is a member of the plumbago family, Plumbaginaceae, that also includes leadwort (Ceratostigma) and statice (Limonium). It is native to the Mediterranean area where tolerates seaside conditions. Growing 6-12″ tall, plants produce tufts of narrow, stiff, grass-like dark green leaves four to eight inches long. In late spring, wiry leafless stems carry solitary, globose flowerheads of small pink or white flowers that are subtended by purplish papery bracts and extend well above the foliage. The flowerheads are 1-1/2” across and persist for two to three weeks. Many cultivars are available differing most significantly in plant height, and flower size and color.
Sea thrift does well in full sun and lean, dry, well-drained soil in USDA Hardiness zones 4-8. It is healthy with no significant pests or diseases and can be propagated by seed or division. Deadhead to prolong bloom. A good choice for edgings, front of the borders, as well as wall and rock gardens.
The genus name, Armeria, is Latanized form of the old French name armoires for a cluster-headed dianthus. The specific epithet, maritima, is the Latin word meaning relating to the sea, and refers to one of the possible habitats of the plant.
Photo Credit: Chris.urs-o, Wikipedia Commons