Attract ruby-throated hummingbirds, bumblebees and Baltimore checkerspot butterflies by adding a clump of this perennial with its flowers that resemble the head of a turtle peering out of its shell. The white, two-lipped flowers appear in 6-8″ long dense terminal spikes in summer for 3-4 weeks and are set off nicely by the dark green foliage that remains attractive all season. Also known as snakehead and balmony, turtlehead is related to snapdragon and foxglove, and is native to partly shaded, moist soils in North America from Newfoundland to north Georgia, and west to Minnesota. It is an excellent choice for shade, bog, and woodland gardens as well as native plant, wildlife, and wildflower gardens.

Type: Herbaceous perennial

Height: 2-3′

Bloom Color : White

Bloom Time: Summer for 3-4 weeksS

Light:Partial shade to sun

Soil:Fertile, consistently moist to wet

Hardiness: Zones 3-8

Photo Credit Wikipedia

Companion Plants: Rodgersia, ligularia, great blue lobelia, cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis), Joe-Pye weed, Japanese anemone,

By Karen