With her book, It’s Winter, author Linda Glaser shares her enjoyment of winter through the eyes of a young girl as she catches a snowflake on her tongue, sinks her feet into deep snow, and makes snow angels and snowmen. The little girl listens to the woodpecker pecking at a tree, watches her breath come out in white puffs, and thinks about her grandparents lolling at the beach far away in sunny Florida for the winter. Bats, bees, earthworms, chipmunks, and frogs are hibernating, a deer eats tender twigs, and birds enjoying birdseed. Under a soft creamy moon the little girl sees Orion in the sky and a snowshoe hare below but notices soon after that the snow is melting, the sun is stronger, and the ground is warmer; spring is coming but there is still time to play in the snow. Three pages of suggestions for winter activities conclude the work.

The text is written in a rhythmic way with an irregular pattern of rhyming/near rhyming. It has a light hearted, upbeat tone and a musical quality that adds to the meaning. Susan Swan’s bold colored paper cut illustrations are magnificent! Created and photographed so they create depth, they make each two page spread come alive. It’s Winter is a great choice for children in preschool to grade 1.

To buy It’s Winter from Amazon.com Click Here.

By Karen